Table of contents
Exception Handling:
Definition: Exception handling is a mechanism in programming languages that allows the detection, handling, and propagation of runtime errors or exceptional conditions. It provides a way to gracefully handle errors and recover from unexpected situations during program execution.
- Purpose: The purpose of exception handling is to ensure the robustness and reliability of a program by handling errors in a controlled manner. It helps in separating error-handling logic from regular program flow and provides mechanisms for error reporting, logging, and recovery.
a. Exception Types: Exceptions can be categorized into built-in or standard exceptions provided by the language, or custom exceptions defined by the programmer to handle specific scenarios.
b. Exception Handling Keywords: Programming languages provide keywords (e.g., try, catch, finally) to define exception handling blocks and control the flow of execution when an exception occurs.
c. Handling Mechanisms: Exception handling mechanisms include catching and handling specific exceptions, chaining exceptions, rethrowing exceptions, and defining custom exception classes.
Error Propagation:
Definition: Error propagation refers to the process of passing or propagating errors from one part of the program to another. It involves transferring control and responsibility for handling errors to higher-level components or modules.
- Purpose: The purpose of error propagation is to ensure that errors are appropriately handled at different levels of the program hierarchy. It allows for centralized error handling, promotes code modularity, and helps in maintaining code readability and maintainability.
Generics and Type Parameters:
- Definition: Generics is a programming feature that allows the creation of classes, interfaces, and methods that can operate on different types without specifying the actual type until runtime. Type parameters are used to represent generic types.
- Purpose: The purpose of generics is to enhance code reusability, type safety, and eliminate the need for type casting in certain scenarios. It enables the creation of generic algorithms and data structures that can work with multiple types.
a. Generic Classes and Interfaces: Generics can be applied to classes and interfaces, allowing them to operate on different types of objects or data.
b. Type Parameters: Type parameters are placeholders for actual types and are specified when using the generic class or interface.
c. Type Bounds: Type bounds restrict the types that can be used as type parameters, ensuring type safety and providing more specific constraints on the generic types.